Cobb County Empowerment Chapter

Cobb County Empowerment Chapter

Cobb County Empowerment Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Georgia


A good Look since 2009

Empowerment is the mechanism by which individuals, groups and communities gain mastery over their affairs. We here at the CCEC believe that the #1 need of blind people is other blind people; therefore, through technology, employment, Mobility and social activities we offer independence to the blind of Cobb County.

Meetings: CCEC NFBGA meets on the third Saturday of each month. Join us and let your healing be part of the solution.

Get updated chapter meeting info, locations, Chapter events, shout outs or just call. We’ll call you back if you leave a message! You can also send us an email at, or

President: G Vickers

678-883-CCEC (2232)